
What is Hard Hack?

Why Hard Hack?

Become a Sponsor

We promise you...

You can help make this an unforgettable event through financial or hardware donations, and by sending your representatives to participate as judges or mentors.

Sponsorship Tiers

Basic ($500) Silver ($1000) Gold ($2000) Diamond ($3000+)
Featured Logos
Presentation and Tabling
Resume Database
DIY Tech Workshops
DIY Career Info Session
Company Challenges

Benefits Glossary

Benefit Description
Featured Logos Your company logo will show up in our event publicity and marketing media, such as emails, flyers, and T-shirts
Presentation and Tabling Your company can present (~5 minutes) during the opening ceremony and table for the whole hackathon
Resume Database Your company will have access to the resumes of all participants
DIY Tech Workshops Your company can host technical workshops for hackers and introduce them to any kind of hardware, software, or platforms that they can use in their project (~1 hour)
DIY Careeer Info Session Your company can host a career info session to introduce your company to the hackers and give out professional development tips
Company Challenges Your company will be able to design challenges for hackers to tackle and set up prizes for distinguished projects.

Please don't hesitate to email us at hardhack@ucsd.edu if you have any questions. We will try to respond in two business days.

HKN HARD Hack Director

Ethan Jenkins
HKN Logo

IEEE HARD Hack Director

Rahil Kadekar

TNT HARD Hack Co-Director

Siya Jatia

TNT HARD Hack Co-Director

Pranav Sakhuja
TNT Logo

Any More Questions?